is the deal. Firstly, someone asked me if I had a track plan recently. I had to say that I didn't because...well..I don't. :) The first rev of the layout was much smaller. Then, I branched out into another room in my office. THEN, I consolidated the entire thing into the one front space. All of that was done through trail and error track building with the KATO Unitrack. I would build things, try them out, and adjust. LOVED that system. It really worked well with my thinking. However, I didn't think things ALL the way through.
THE TRACKS tracks are called out in this YouTube video.
I have some still shots of areas as well.
The problem is - as stated in the video - is that I want to tear everything up and re-group, but I HAVE SO MUCH WORK IN ON THIS IT'S REALLY GOING TO HURT!!!!!!!
I talked to Tom Barbalet from the most excellent MODEL RAIL RADIO (( If you don't listen, you really should. It's a fantastic podcast! And FREE! )) and he rally blew me away with his statements. He said that I was a great modeler (Wait....WHAT?!? ME?! :::blush:::) and that tearing up a layout to get something that I REALLY wanted doesn't seem like a problem to him because I'd be able o not only handle the rebuild, but I'd be able to make things better.
I was really blown away by these statements. I have HUGE respect for Tom and to hear him say this really filled me with pride and confidence.
But....there's a lot of work done here.....
It's something I'll be doing a lot of thinking about over the next month or so. I'd love feedback if time allows. It's a big choice. But, if I could tighten things up and be happier with the layout, it migh be well worth the effort.