Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Dragging my feet

It's been a busy time this month and last. Just rolling into the holiday season, cold weather, school functions, and cold season like a bull. And, none of those items are great for productive hobby time. I have managed to stick ith my TO DO list and I'v been getting things done when I can and making plans for the future.

KIWAMURA is still on the build. The residential section is coming along. I purchased a new building to replace one I doubled up on just to add some variation. (Bottom / far right) I'm much happier with the scene now that all the houses are different.

The shipping area needs a fence and gate. It just makes sense to keep the shipping area free from late night exploration. :::grin:::

This area is not working for me. I need to put a little more thought into it. 

The factory is still at a standstill. I need street markings and have to get the miles of pipe that cam with the factory set  brought into play.

And lastly, a fortune cookie I got receently. I thought it was relavant to the blog. :)

I took a little iPhone video just to keep the documentation of progress going.

Thanks for reading and viewing! 



  1. Great update! I know the feeling! :-) Keep up the great work!

    1. Thanks, Jerry!
      I have to follow up with your goings on - I love your work!
