Thursday, May 29, 2014

Various shots and news

Soyokaze River Village

Greetings from Soyokaze!    :)

I've been going round and round on having this switching area (pictured below) on the layout. It's actually all dead rail and would just be there for show - running off the edge of the layout edge. I just thought it would be fun and interesting. However, it takes up a little more space than I thought, so it might not be a good idea at this point.

But...I like it. :)  Especially if it was integrated and scenic elements were added into the area. I think it would be fun. We'll see.

This hillside area will be another fun little detail section. It sits towards the back of the layout in the "Shopping Area" and will be housing, a hospital, parking and various scenic elements. Again, a nice scene section I'll be able to work on in the house, then port outside.

There is a bit of exciting news as well. We are going to have some visitors come to the States from Australia and my layout may be on the tour. I'm using that as a push to get some work done on the layout. Nothing works better than a deadline when you're trying to get things done. So, it's a win win even if my layout doesn't make the cut for the tour due to location or timing. I'll still have some of the items on my list done, so it's all good! :)

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