Monday, May 12, 2014

Cool track area - Chicago

MAN! I love the cross junction in the northwest corner of the Loop in Chicago! LOL! I wish I knew more about it when I was back there - I would have looked for it and taken it in a while. I think I might have seen it, but I wasn't aware of just how much I enjoyed it at the time.

I can watch this video over and over. It's so cool seeing trains roll through this area!

Terry G. was kind enough to pass this FLICKR gallery over as well. It shows some work being done to this track area's a LOT of work in there!

It's funny - I've always been a structure-centric guy, but seeing things like this makes me long for something like it on my layout. I've always liked switches and complex track action like this, but going with KATO Unitrack limited the options. (Especially with a budget factored in) 

I'm almost thinking one more series of switching options might make my layout a little more interesting from a running perspective. Make it a kind of a figure eight situation, running through another switch to loop the tam back around in another direction.

Or even branching off again in the harbor area. That might be interesting as well. I'll have to think it through a bit more before committing. :)


  1. What a crazy cross junction! It is really special, but I seldom select special scenic for my layout, because most of the people think it is not real. It will be great if you want to try this, so exciting.

    A very good website for your track plan,

    I am not sure you know this or not, kato will keep updating this page~


    1. Oh yes - I've spent a lot of time on that site! hehehehe Too much time. I finally ended up just laying track instead and playing around with what worked in the space and in the setup I wanted for my harbor, town and city. Great plans, however.

      I think that, if I did try something like this loop section, it wouldn't be for a long while. :)
