Thursday, January 8, 2015

Amazing gift from Santa-san!

A traveler that asked to remain anonymous - hereby referred to as Santa-san - bestowed an amazing kindness on me on their last trip. They went on a little shopping trip and passed some amazing, card stock goodies over to me. I was told something was winging it's way to me, but I wasn't aware of just what was coming. Imagine my surprise when I opened the pack and saw a massive selection of Sankei card stock models in the bag!

The haul was....mind blowing to say there very least. Many of the items were items that I had on my shopping list. They said that they visited a shop and made their way around until coming to a stand of paper kit models. ((Another mind blower - a whole stand of paper models right there in the shop. I really need to make my way over to Japan at some point for SO MANY reasons!)) Although, a shop like TOKYO HANDS in my city would be....disastrous from a financial perspective! :)

Santa-san was not sure if the models fit within my scenes, but they do perfectly and will be added as I complete them to flesh out me layout. Buildings first, then detail parts as the needs arise.

No financial payback was to be given - this was just done as a kindness from one modeler to another. A very cool gesture and another sign that we have some amazing folks in this hobby!

This will also come in handy when working on my little section of Jim Gore's paper modeling book!

Thank you, Santa-san!!!!!

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