Thursday, January 12, 2012

Briddon: Plotting and Planning -- Revised plan

I just finished half of the MODEL RAIL RADIO podcast:
Model Rail Radio Special: South Australian Take Over [December 29, 2011]

It covered a lot of Aussie model railroading and what they are doing "Down Under". Besides an amazing cast of characters, it talked through a lot of the planning that was involved in getting these layouts to be realistic representations of the areas they are modeled after and it also went through the planning of industries for the layouts themselves. This got me thinking about what I wanted for my future layout and how I wanted it to look.

Again, I model Japan for my big layout modules - Old Town and Downtown. In my recent Google Street View prowlings of Japan, I saw a lot of buildings, streets and alleys that I wanted to include in my layout at some point. That and the massive amounts of details and little things stuck places really got my mind moving away from what I posted earlier in many ways.

I currently have things set on a square - just blocked in perpendicular to the edge of the layout. After seeing images from Japan (mostly around Tokyo) I see that there are many angles to the roads and layouts. MANY angles. I was thinking the Unitram plates through and I think I'll end up setting the main square of the plates at an angle, then building off from there to get a little of the look of Japan's angles going.

I also plan to do a lot of scratch building of buildings to match the unique look and feel of some of the buildings. (( Post about that to follow shortly ))

We won't be moving any time soon, so...yeah...I have a lot of time to think this stuff through. :)

Just looking at the two photos below makes my mind swim. I can really get into the little details like bicycles, plants, weathering and the like, but I can also get into some of the larger detail elements like all the signage and the various buildings and layouts. That's going to be the fun part for me. The nice thing is that - even without moving - I can start in on items that can be placed on my current work layout.

And, of course, the dense layout of Japan means that I can actually add more buildings to my work layout, too! :)

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