Next up, THE FACTORY kitbash.

I had this little factory that I wasn't really happy with, so I got a larger piece to go with it. I'll build out the foundation and make the overall building area a little more impressive.
Now I'm just not sure what kind of factory I'll say it is. I believe the larger kit is some sort of ice house, so maybe something interesting with a play on word naming.
Deep Freeze.
The Ice Farm.
Something like that.
I'm using styrene for the first time as a base for the structure. You can't really tell, but there is a grid built into the white base.
I'm going to make the two buildings match a bit more as well, most likely painting up the smaller building to match the larger. Additional details and the like will be added as well. I'm using this project to teach myself to SLOW DOWN and enjoy the process. I've been rushing projects due to time constraints instead of just slowing down and taking my time.
HELJAN kit (larger) was fantastic to put together. It was machined well and fit together like I've expected Japanese kits to work out which is rare. The US kits I've tried have been really difficult.
Process and progress photos will follow. Comments welcome as always.